Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

A stitch in time

 A stitch in time saves time goes the old proverb. I am finding this to be true as I “stitch” the car upgrades. The group I am working on now consists of four boxcars and one flatcar. Our new materials and techniques may be a little extra challenging on this flatcar due to small dimensions. The previous cars that were shopped did include a flatcar as well and this car works okay. However, omscaler had to fiddle with it a little more to get the job done. The covered hopper had to go to the scrap pile and a better design for this type will be made. See I told you this model railroad is challenging. All part of the fun here. Anyway, back to the workshop. Omscaler


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