Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Another opinion

Sometime ago I was visiting a local model railroad club. This club is over thirty years old I believe. The subject of modules came up. I had remarked that the sections of the layout were heavily built. The person I was speaking with said that indeed they were. The modules were in fact hard for the older members to handle well, being so heavy. This contrasts with an article I have in an old magazine I got at a train show years ago. This periodical covers N scale exclusively. In this issue the article in question explained how to make a module in a box beam configuration. The material used is expanded foam, not to be confused with the white bead foam. I decided to make one of these box beam modules a few years ago and it now resides in the walk-in closet. Neatly out of the way. The only wood is used for the legs and two end panels on the box beam. I can carry it on my head if I so choose to do so. It is very strong in spite of the light weight. During the above mentioned conversation, I suggested simply leaving the old layout in place and construct a “show layout” to transport to train shows. The idea being using newer methods to build, these being lighter. So far, no changes have taken place but in the future, who knows? As readers of this blog know, The Very Small Railroad has a transport box which was used to visit a show last Fall. Such simplicity was sublime! I am a big proponent of modularity. I know the idea has caught on in may instances. Hoping for model railroad progress, omscaler


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