Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Fighting the weather

Yes, omscaler has been fighting the weather. The weather here has been sunny with clear blue skies and somewhat balmy. Readers may wonder about fighting the weather under these conditions. The problem is that omscaler has developed “Spring Fever”. And a pretty severe case too. Symptoms include sitting on the porch and looking at the sky. Going for drives in the country. Going to the park and walking. And lately, weeding a flower bed. Thankfully, there several at hand to week. Also, sitting inside and just thinking about going outside. Perceptive readers will notice that these activities had no mention of working on The Very Small Railroad. This is because no work has been done on The Very Small Railroad. However, good news is at hand. The symptoms are subsiding and omscaler is beginning to feel more normal. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Returning to diligence, omscaler


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