Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Day trippin’

As of this writing I am returning home after spending some time at a relatives house. Earlier that day I returned home from house sitting for another relative. The earlier trip concluded a three night stay-over and the last was a combination birthday cook out. By combination I mean celebrating more than one birthday. Frankly I am feeling a little stuffed. Good to spend time with the younger family members. The place I stayed was practically speaking, the heart of railroad central. This is the place that I wrote about before that aggravated drivers going to work. I definitely wish all the old depots were still in place and passenger trains still ruled as people movers. Even at that, this is still a fine place to watch trains if you are not headed to work. The old Alabaster depot has been moved to a spot near the high school stadium. Check it out if you have time. Still reminiscing, omscaler


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