Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Upgraded drive link

 Hello again readers. In the last post, omscaler was mulling over which direction to take regarding maintenance of The Omega Scale Railway. As stated before, a number of things are needed. What took place last week was a redesign of the locomotive drive link component. This component is a simple formed wire. The first iteration worked but not as well as hoped. The new part is very similar but more robust. Initial work is very promising and omscaler hopes this one continues to work well. More testing is needed. Work is also being done on an improved car side rib method. This effort is actually somewhat ironic considering that the previous hopper group is complete. These cars have seven ribs on each side. Other possible developments are in the works as well. Just thought I would give readers an update that is a little more specific. Continuing to dig in, omscaler


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