Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Step by step again

As omscaler sits writing this blog and waiting for “Santee Claws”, it occurred to him that the lead caption seemed familiar. So, what was done was add the word again. We are indeed working on passenger car steps. It was good that a working plan for making the steps was thought out. Makes things simpler. Omscaler loves simpler. These are the last parts to be done to complete all the cars. Should be, I say should be, done by this post appearing on the blog. Then it is rock and roll time for passengers on The Omega Scale Railway. Have a wonderful Holiday, omscaler


Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Top of the roof

Last Friday, a final prototype roof was assembled. This was the result of up to eight previous models. Omscaler was glad and relieved to finally have a realistic roof example. A lot was depending on the roofs looking correct. The debate now is whether or not to make the actual clerestory windows. Part of the issue is visibility of the same once assembled. The guesstimate is fifty-fifty. An initial trial may be attempted. Then we will install roofs to cars. Then cars to running gear. Omscaler remains optimistic. Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Measure two times, then three times (and maybe four?)

Good advice should always be taken. Last week, omscaler had completed attaching all walls to floors of the current passenger car project. For some reason, it was decided that the last two worked on, coaches by the way, should be placed end to end to see how they looked. Omscaler was taken aback to see that the end of one car was wider than the end of the other car. “How can this be? ” That was the question. A mistake had been made, was the answer. What to do? Omscaler thought to himself, “We’ll just go ahead and use it as it is.” Hmm... Is this the real Omega Scale Railway philosophy? Anyway, since the “problem” was noted in the evening, omscaler retired for the evening. The next day was an early car service appointment. While omscaler was sitting and waiting, he realized that the old adage, “If you are not happy with it now, you will be less happy with it later”, was beginning to play in his mind. “That tears it. Nothing for it but to fix the problem.” So, upon reaching home, the mission to fix the coach was begun. The coach was only 1/32 inch wider so that was what needed fixing. Challenges were: Do not detach the linear window; do not destroy the coach side; do not damage car reporting marks. Carefully, carefully cutting began. The side floor angle was cut through. The ends were glued with angles on each side. These were cut away from the sides, even on the side that was left attached. This was done to try to cut down the length of one side of the floor. Disassembly complete, a 1/32 strip was carefully cut away. Since the side floor angle piece was cut, a more exacting replacement angle was needed. This was to avoid obstructing the windows. As side gluing took place one end side door was torn off. “Perfect!” (and maybe other words...) Anyway, after repairing the door, the side was attached. Omscaler almost forgot to trim the end walls. “Slow down, slow down.” Finally, all repairing was done. As this post is composed, clerestory roofs are being figured out. A challenging process. Tweaking along, omscaler


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Detail after detail

All walls are attached to car decks. All windows are installed in cars. At this post, end doors with diaphragms are being made and attached. Omscaler will then work on roof construction and installation. Detail followed by detail until all is done. That is how it is done on The Very Small Railroad. As a further note, foamcore board has been sourced and purchased. We believe this is sufficient quantity to last all of 2024. Lots still to do. Working and planning, omscaler


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Dinner in the Diner

Yep. Another cliche’. However, in spite of this, omscaler is indeed working on the dining car as this post is written. “What’s left?” Readers may ask. Well, I will tell you. After the dining car comes the two coaches. This will see all the walls attached to floors. Then the roofs will be done. While I was on holiday, I took a short side trip to visit “Downtown” Gurley, Alabama. Looks like there used to be a depot. Just one track now. A period firehouse is across the tracks. Also, lots of Victorian houses immediately adjacent. Omscaler hopes all had a great holiday. Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Looks like I’m floored!


Yep. So far, all the floors are custom cut for each passenger car. And, surprise, surprise! Each car excluding the baggage car has glazing. The placement of window supports and internal side doors made it necessary to recess floor areas to allow a correct fit of the floor itself. Omscaler will work on the floor installation to the side walls and then end walls. Roofs coming soon (we hope)! Fitting and placing, omscaler


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Wheel after wheel

Let’s see, two coaches, eight wheels each, sixteen. One baggage car, eight wheels. One diner, twelve wheels. One sleeper, twelve wheels. That’s a lot of wheels. They all had to be made, naturally. Total: forty-eight. Fortunately, about ten were already in back-stock. Omscaler will take all the breaks available. These are installed on trucks and side frames are done as well. Next should be installing trucks to center beam/coupler units. A working plan is in place for this. Then will come passenger car floor, body and roof assemblies. Omscaler is looking forward to the next steps. Passenger car building bound, omscaler


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

What’s taking so long?

Well, a number of things. As I write this post, I have just returned from a long drive out in the beautiful sunshine on this fine Fall day. Not too productive but very energizing. A stop was made at a train watching spot in the next town over where a very long intermodal and regular freight train was observed. Then after visiting downtown Birmingham, the return home. As far as the passenger cars, center beams are mounted on all five cars. It was determined that fifty-two wheels would be needed with only ten already made. So, the rest were made. Now we need passenger truck side frames. Two of one length and the rest in varying lengths. After this, window mounting. Maybe car floors next? Continuing the good work, omscaler


Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Moving passenger cars along

Before we begin this week's post, let me put in an aside. This past Saturday was the Fall Smokey City Rails Train Show in Helena, Alabama. Omscaler really enjoyed this show. As a point in fact, the last one was not attended. So this may have made the experience more enjoyable. Saw a number of folks that I had not seen in a while. A notable appearance was made by the Redstone Model Railroad Club of Huntsville, Alabama. Their modules were very crisp and well made. The Smokey City folks will have another show in February just to give readers a heads up. As far as the passenger cars go, window inserts have been cut out and are ready to install. Many running gear parts are also ready. Truck sides and wheel attachment are next. We are slowly nearing completion. Still moving along, omscaler


Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Did I say doors?

Yes. We had good progress on passenger car building. Reporting marks. Car numbers. All ready for car side doors. Omscaler was getting ready to take care of business when to his horror, a glaring omission was detected. Not enough room was allowed to make door openings. “How did this happen?”, readers may wonder. Omscaler thinks that due to trying to make cuts for the prototypical number of windows, the allowed room was exceeded. Nothing for it but to go back and redesign the car sides. Make a new set of reporting marks and get it right. So that is what we did. After redoing the work, center beams were cut. And still more to be done, omscaler


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Doors and floors

 As usual, omscaler has put up another cryptic remark. But don’t worry dear reader. I will explain. So far, last week showed good progress on the passenger car project. Reporting marks (railroad name) and car numbers were applied to each car. Next will be door installation and then putting sides on floors will be done. However, a side journey into running gear building may be done before floors. We shall see, omscaler


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

A complete standstill!

Yep. Looks like work was halted. Let me explain. Last Monday omscaler left town for the beach. The occasion was to attend the vows and ring exchange of my daughter and her intended. This ceremony took place on the beach at Gulf Shores, Alabama. And, omscaler “hisself” was the “officiant”. Omscaler had never done this before so there was a significant amount of practice beforehand. All went well. This was a driving trip so some site seeing stops were made. On the way in, I stopped and got some pics of the Bay Minette depot some of which included a grown grandson. On the way back, pics were made of the Foley, Alabama, depot and train display (real equipment). Now, it is time to get back to the passenger car project and other projects as well. Elated traveler, omscaler


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Hooray for us!

Omscaler is happy to report that all heavyweight car sides have been successfully cut. There were some initial glitches due to still being a new operator of the hobby laser. I have had the laser a long time but don’t use it very often. This past weekend saw omscaler making up a large batch of couplers. We are thinking of adding some more before moving on to the passenger car running gear and underframes. Then onward and upward to the roofs. That is unless omscaler changes the order of things. You never know. Fabricating more coupler hooks, Etc. Omscaler


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Just now ready for cutting

The passenger car project that is in process is taking more time. Omscaler found out that the “clean up” part of the cutting prep was a lot more detailed than he realized. Live and learn. That is what we do here on the Very Small Railroad. Add to that the steps to make the actual cuts will be taken slowly and carefully. Cut and check then cut and check and so on. After successful cuts will come floors and roofs. The roofs are the clerestory type and will prove somewhat challenging as well. In the end, this project should be an interesting addition to The Omega Scale Railway. Still moving toward the end goal, omscaler


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Another progress update

 As mentioned previously, a passenger car project is underway. A coach has been diagramed and is ready for cutting out. However, omscaler plans to do a group diagram in an effort to move the process along. By that, the plan is to have all or almost all passenger car types loaded and ready for cutting. A baggage car will be up next. And then the rest. More news next week. Staying busy, omscaler


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

And a change-a’ dosey-doh

Time to swing our partners. As of this post, the William Hull house diagram has been started but not completed. As omscaler was looking upon the recently completed American locomotive it became painfully obvious that there were no passenger cars. So, last Saturday, omscaler put the structure project aside and started a passenger car project. Some of the details include: All will be heavy-weight types for this first group. Two to three coaches are planned. A baggage mail is needed. And a diner and sleeper to round out the group. Still a buildin’, omscaler


Tuesday, September 5, 2023

What we are doing now

 The next project has been started. Omscaler is building the Union Station that was located in Union City, TN. The reason it was called a union station is because both the GM&O and NC&StL railroads used this location. Currently, the building now serves as the Obion County Chamber of Commerce. A great save for railroad history. The architecture appears M&O/GM&O. I say this because the normal NC&StL depot color is yellow with green trim. A great example of this can be seen today in Albertville, Alabama. Another great save for railroad history. A smaller depot can also be seen in Guntersville, Alabama. Anyway, the building diagrams have been completed as of last Thursday paving the way for actual construction. Next up, if nothing changes, will be the William Hull, italianate style house in Murphysboro, Illinois. Big doins’ on The Omega Scale railway. Busy building, omscaler


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Done and done times three

As you can see, the three locomotive project has been called complete. The start date on this was February 16th, 2023. Completion date: August 21st, 2023. This averages about two months per locomotive. If there was less procrastination, the time would have been less. From left to right we have 2-8-0 GM&O #2994, 4-4-0 Gulf, Mobile and Northern #33, and 2-8-0 GM&O #2998. The two consolidations have “The Alton Route” slogans on both sides of the tenders. #33 American was inspired by pics and information on Gulf, Mobile & Northern was one of the older railroads that became part of the GM&O. A number of new techniques were used on this project. Overall, these were successful. A more distant focal length on the camera was used to hide the many “warts” that seem to pop up with close-ups. I like the improved roof lines, crisper tender lines and laser cut cab sides I had previously mentioned. There are some alignment flaws that may not be visible to us regular humans. Also, in the rear of the line-up is the old Mogul (jealous, not doubt). omscaler is still pondering the next project. Also, a module extension has been prepared to use. The legs of the module table were extended about five inches. The module top measures thirty inches by sixty inches. This will expand the layout possibilities in the future. The next two building projects will be the Union City passenger depot and the William Hull house of Murphysboro. Stuff to do galore! Staying cool and prepping up, omscaler

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Rounding the bend

As this post is written, the 4-4-0, American locomotive needs only a front pilot. The other two locomotives need boiler top appliances and pilots. Omscaler was out of town Saturday for a family visit and much needed break from the routine. Hopefully Monday will be a very productive day for the locomotive assemblies. Getting so close, omscaler


Tuesday, August 15, 2023

A critical point

As of last week, all boiler and cab assemblies are attached to wheel frames. This brings us a lot closer to completion. It is expected that the additional locomotive parts will be done somewhat slowly. Most of these parts are already made. This being the case, time will be saved. Other components are a new design, and this normally takes a little more time to make and install. Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

A roof for our heads

 By the time this is posted, final locomotive assembly should be well underway. Omscaler feels compelled to correct some things regarding the previous post. What should have stated was that cab “side” walls were attached. Also, only one locomotive, the 4-4-0 has scalloped rear roof areas. Omscaler in fact decided a small corner cut would suffice. Much simpler. Trust me. Omscaler knows that the comment process is a little “unhandy” but readers should feel free to suggest a future project. Doing the good work, omscaler


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

To bend and bend again

Omscaler is happy to report that cab walls are attached to cab floors. The next step is cab roofs. Hence the phrase written above. If one studies the shapes involved, you will see compound curves. Also, you will see compound curve cuts. All of these provide more fun than one can imagine. First, a piece of sheet card stock will be cut to cab length. This is the easy part. Then the piece must be curved to the shape of the cab roof. Not so easy. The curve right above the window is a relatively small radius. This radius becomes somewhat large toward the center of the roof. On each side of the rear of the cab roof are the aforementioned compound curve cuts. When omscaler completes all these, he will pat himself on the back. Working toward self congratulation, omscaler


Tuesday, July 25, 2023

(Another?) cautionary tale

Yes, dear readers, omscaler has had to solve a rather sticky production problem. Everything started out well enough. Scan in a drawing that was done on a master drawing sheet. As a point of fact, the new drawing was of a set of locomotive cabs needed for the current project. The drawings were added to a sheet of previous drawings used for storing the same for laser cutting when needed. The scan went well as usual. Then the idea of copying and pasting the new cab drawings from the master file to a new blank file was done. No problem. The cab drawing was “cleaned up” (more on that in another post). Then pasted into the laser cutting file. The laser was readied. The cut was started. Then something strange happened. Omscaler noticed that the cut time seemed unusually long. Not good. When the same was finished, the finished cab side was huge. Looked four times larger than it needed to be. What went wrong? Omscaler began to investigate. All looked well. Let’s try another cut. This time span seemed better. The finished cut was too small. A night’s sleep was planned to avert frustration. The next day, a plan was tried to clean up the cab drawings “in situ”. Then just one drawing was transferred to the laser cut file. The cut turned out on spec. Oh happy day. Then the rest were done correctly as well. What caused the original dimensional deviation? Omscaler does not know. Since we found a solution, we will repeat what works in the future. Sticking to the plan, omscaler


Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Still on the fence?

As of this post, most boiler-top parts are complete. Modifications may have to be done at point of installation. The locomotives still need running boards, air compressors and air reservoir. Also, just prior to writing this post, omscaler drew cutting drawings for the cab sides to be done on the hobby laser. Then the drawings were scanned in and stored with other laser cutting drawings which are kept for future use. Omscaler believes that the fence has been crossed as far as procrastination. The weather is hot and humid here and contributes to a lack of progress. This week will have some chores needing to be done as well as more progress on The Omega Scale Railway. We will keeping pushing forward. On the point, omscaler


Tuesday, July 11, 2023

A plethora of parts

This last week saw omscaler digging into parts making. We believe we now have enough parts to fit out the tops of the boilers. Three each of front number plates, headlights, smoke stacks, bells, sand domes, steam domes. We now need cabs, air reservoirs and air compressors. As you can see, still plenty to do. The plan for the cabs is to cut them out with the laser. The final decision on this has not been made. The cab sides are probably the only parts that will be cut. Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Another week, another dome?

It seems like omscaler is just inching along. We do have a sand dome for the American (4-4-0) locomotive. We have three headlight lenses. These are scheduled for a remake. We have one smoke stack for the above mentioned locomotive. As readers will recall, we generally need three of everything. Three boilers, three cabs, Etc. However, last week turned into get more chores done week. And now omscaler feels like things are running late. Oh well. As the saying goes. We will get ‘er done. Also, last but not least, Happy Fourth of July! Gotta’ celebrate the founding of the country! Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Wiggling off the track?

Last week started off well, it being Father’s Day and all. Monday evening saw me getting home after lunch with my son to a steak and baked potato dinner prepared by my oldest daughter. Saturday and Sunday were spent with my youngest daughter with good food as well. Caught a fish too! As a further note, the oldest daughter is staying with me until her apartment arrangements are complete. Glad for the visit. You dear reader may be wondering what this has to do with the OSR. Omscaler is wondering a little “hisself”. A little distraction here. A little there. So now Friday finds omscaler with little being accomplished. We did make preparations for expanding the module using a thirty inch by five-foot box-beam table. When this table is adjacent to the “variable desk” where the current module is located it will be very imposing. Fortunately, it easily dissassembles. Until next week, omscaler


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

We did it.

The steam valve gear and cylinders are done. Omscaler did change to a better approach and that made all the difference. Some of the piston rod gear is there but very rudimentary. Next we need to work higher on the locomotives. A number of appliances are placed on the very top of the boiler jacket. These have in fact been made for the two preceding locomotives so omscaler is hoping time may be saved. As said before, we shall see. Working the work, omscaler


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

The effort continues

Last Friday omscaler was working on the three locomotives project. The last parts worked on were the Stephenson valve chests. As work was being done, the part for the body delaminated. Omscaler decided to continue with another part. This part too delaminated. At this point, omscaler decided to call it a day. This gave time to reflect on the problem and think about a solution. In thinking back, this problem may have happened before. Anyway, we have a working plan and should be making good progress at the time of this post. Getting the work done, omscaler


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Taking more steps

Since we now have all wheels attached to all frames, we can begin to make components that are smaller in size. As of this post all drive and side rods are installed. Omscaler is looking at steam cylinders and main pistons and cross heads and cross head guides and steam cylinder valve chests and cross head yokes. Oh my! Then after these are done we need the top of boiler appliances. You know, bells and whistles and such. When will it all be complete? Omscaler is not sure indeed. But we continue this worthwhile project. Still being worthwhile, omscaler


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Wheels of time?

Last week saw the mounting of wheels on the locomotive frames. Got ‘er done. Put ‘er in storage. All good. Began planning the next steps of putting frames on center beams. Did not actually get to that part. However, a funny thing happened at the local model railroad club. While visiting on Saturday, one of the members asked me about my latest project. I explained to him that I had put wheels on the American and Consolidation frames. As I was speaking, I recalled that the wheels even though closely mounted on the real locomotive seemed too close on my project. I had noticed this but had continued putting them on. I began staring across the room while talking to the fellow. It began to dawn on me. The wheels were too large! I quickly made a mental note about this and finished the remarks to the man. Later that evening, I got out the frames in question and measured. They were in fact too large. Omscaler tried to take the wheels off the existing frames to reuse the frames. This resulted in cut and damaged frames. I got out the needed tools and made sixteen wheels in the correct size as well as four new frames. Four new pilot wheels were also made. The installation of all wheels was completed mid-Sunday morning. Omscaler is not sure why the mistake was made. Mislabeling of wheel size guide? Personal mistake? Rechecking is needed. A little behind, but moving along, omscaler


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Squeaking toward the finish line

As of this post, three boilers are done. One set of wheels and main frames are done for the 4-4-0. These need to be joined. We still need boiler jacket covers as well as boiler appliances. That is bells, domes, Etc. Omscaler will not prognosticate on the actual completion time. He has learned his lesson. If this week is less distractive than last week, we should get a lot done. At least we will try. Arduously, omscaler


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Locomotive update

As of last post, omscaler had completed the three tenders. As of this post, The main frames are cut and ready to be installed on the center beams. We had hoped to be further along. Other pressing needs took precedence. Hopefully by weeks end more work will be completed. Optimistically, omscaler


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Tender feelings?

Tender feelings? Really? As this post is written, the “painstaking” tenders are indeed complete. The first pain experienced was that the front steps turned out too big. (Are we baking cookies?) The final size was about three to four times the size needed. I am not kidding. Note to self: Install a single set and “evaluate”! Therefore, it was back to the planning stage. Fortunately, and idea came up. First, we used 24# paper cut to size. This was glued to another piece of 24# cut to a ready to form dimension. Then step sides were cut. Then they were folded. The bottom step was cut to length and then folded. Then the sides and bottom step were glued into place. The stock for the second step was cut to size and glued into place. Then the assembly was cut to final size. Then the steps were glued to the lower front deck of the tender. If too much glue was used or the steps warped badly, then you start over. Breaks should be taken often. Maybe even continue the next day. Finally, all six were done. The next phase will be the locomotives. Probably be even more fun. We shall see, omscaler


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Step by step

 As this post is being written, omscaler is taking the painstaking steps to make more realistic steps. Pain is indeed almost in the mix. The rear steps are different from the front steps being much more simple in design. These are already complete. The front tender steps were more elaborate often having scalloped sides. Hence the “painstaking” part. However, we do have a working plan and are beginning to make progress. Also note that the applied front steps will be a compromise. This is to ensure that omscaler does not endure too much mental “painstaking”. But, as usual, we will get ‘er done. Stepping along, omscaler


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Grinding along

Or we could say, “Gluing along.” Yep. Omscaler is indeed moving along slowly. This last week saw deep Spring cleaning with little OSR work being done except on Monday and Saturday. With the cleaning chores mostly done, tender construction should be moving along. Some surprise details will appear with the pictures of the completed locomotives. Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Back in town

Good to be back from a Saturday trip. Saturday was the 36th Annual Coosa Valley Model Railroad Association Train Show. The show was very good but seemed lightly attended. Of course, the sky was clear blue with sunshine and there was an art show at Noccalula Falls Park. Probably affected the turnout. Tender construction has slowed due to the need for precision accuracy. Omscaler will take a shot at by week’s end completion. I know readers are thinking, “That’s what you said last week.” Omscaler has learned from experience that a good job takes time. I am sure the results will be worth it. Precisely moving forward, omscaler

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Laudable progress

Last post omscaler was pondering the level of progress that would be made over the course of the present project. Currently, tender wheels are installed as well as all necessary running gear associated with the tenders. Tender body side sheets are next on order. The basic stock piece for one tender is ready to be formed and cut. The hope is that all three tenders will be done by week’s end. It is fortunate that all three are the same design. The so-called “Orient” type. Omscaler does not know why this name is used. Readers feel free to chime in here. Hope all had a fine Easter. Until next week, omscaler


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Loaded down.

This week seems a little heavier than usual. Omscaler is beginning the three-locomotive project. On the upside, numerous parts are ready to install. On the other side, the next steps will be more complex. The tenders need twenty-four wheels. The Consolidations need twenty wheels. The American needs only eight. All of these are ready to install. Tender decks are done. Center beams are done. Fortunately, omscaler has working plans to help guide the process. Less certain is the completion date. Omscaler has a reputation for running behind. Maybe I should give myself a bonus if completed early. We shall see. omscaler


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Finished in good order

The outside braced wood box car is finished. #162239, SL-SF, Frisco now sits protruding into Spruce Street. Let’s take a more in-depth tour of this boxcar. Stats: Sixty-two total parts (not countning external Z bar). About fourteen are hidden angle braces. Order boards on each door. Brake wheel and platform on the B end. The Frisco logo is on each side. Car does sit a little high. The side ladders are laser cut as are the sides. Simple roof walk and laterals. Glue streaks do show up on a magnified view. Seems like some research and experimenting are called for. Also, due to size constraints, little room on the end panels for larger markings. Actually, barely able to read. But...the boss said, “Run it!” Further note. Spruce and other streets are even to this day, paving brick made locally years ago. In this view is the retired Southern boxcar, #23376. The running gear in part was used on the new boxcar. The building is the South end of Murphysboro depot. On to the next project(s), omscaler


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Did Charlie say “Aaauugh!”?

Readers may remember the late Charles Schultz character Charlie Brown. When the football was moved right as he kicked or some other calamity occurred, He would yell Aaauugh! Just prior to writing this post, omscaler was gluing a project together. As a piece was being test fitted, another part came away at the glue joint. Aaauugh! Omscaler was compelled to do a repair. Sometimes it happens. Another cartoon character says, “Just scream”. Whatever works. Now back to the building. Omscaler hopes that the outside braced boxcar will be finished very soon. More to come. Chilling and working, omscaler


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Moving forward with the cutting edge

The laser cutting was done successfully. The very small railroad now has an outside braced wood boxcar under construction. This will provide an interesting car type. As a further note, an older boxcar that was not up to current specifications was removed and some parts were used on the new boxcar. Omscaler hopes that this project will be complete as of this posting. Also, the three locomotive project has had some small progress as well. Looks like a busy week for The Omega Scale railway. And to all you Irish out there, Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Still a-building, omscaler


Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Another step forward

This post is another update on the projects currently in the works at The Omega Scale Railway. As you recall, several things were listed on the to do list. This past week, omscaler continued making the build diagram for the William Hull house. Also, a multiple railcar laser cutting diagram was completed. The next step is to scan in the same in order to make laser cut car sides. If this step is as successful as the last open top hopper, a lot of time may be saved. Saving time is always something that omscaler is very interested in. Optimistically, omscaler


Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A new beginning

To omscaler, this time of year still feels like a new beginning. Last week started of well. Building diagrams were completed for two locomotive types. A total of two of one type and a single of the other type were done. Some more diagrams are planned. One of a house in Murphysboro and another or more of railcars. The Union City module has had some preliminary work done as well. As they say, one thing at a time. Taking time to do the work, omscaler


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Lost in the weeds?

This week’s post is about the lead picture featured above. What is notable about the picture is that there are two “plantings”. Also in this picture are new porch railings. Both of these represent another milestone for The Omega Scale Railway. The plants on the left are Crepe Myrtles and on the right are a “rare variety” Hydrangea. Readers will note that omscaler is taking a certain amount of liberty with this description. Regarding the porch railings, even though there is a balcony railing on the Hamilton House hotel, these railings are a new, more delicate design. This is the reason that part of them appear damaged. They were warped during installation. Omscaler thinks more damage may occur if a repair is attempted. Steadily moving ahead, omscaler


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Congratulations to The Omega Scale Railway!

Wow! Has it been six years? Way back in 2017, the first blog post was published. Time has flown. A lot has been accomplished. Sometimes it seemed like it was all uphill. However, the results were worth it. Omscaler is very proud of what has been done. As has been referred to, there is still more to do. To the devoted readers and visitors, a heartfelt big Thank You. It is omscaler’s hope that you have been inspired to try something new yourself. At least I hope so. Regarding last week’s post, the porch rails have been installed. The foliage effort still needs doing. We gonna’ do it. Since this will post on Valentine’s Day, I hope all you ”Valentiners” have a good one. From my heart to yours, omscaler


Tuesday, February 7, 2023

A scheduling we will go.

Hello again, readers. Omscaler is sharing more details this week. Something new we are trying out this year is more detailed scheduling of projects. This week we plan to work on foliage. As readers will understand, this is a new area for omscaler and so far, results have not been up to standard. We plan to keep trying. Another mini project is to retro fit porch rails on the bungalow. Omscaler believes he has a plan to get this done with a neat appearing outcome. We shall see. The previously mentioned Union City module will be worked on as well, we hope. A few other things are in the mix too. See you down the line, omscaler


Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Just a little insight

Omscaler is taking a little time on this post to give readers some input on one of the upcoming projects. The name of this project is the Union City module. Union City is located in North Western Tennessee. The tracks are still located on a North/South orientation. The GM&O ran trains daily from points North to Mobile, Alabama. Local switching was also prominent. Just east of downtown the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis crossed the GM&O. At this crossing was a small union station. To bring readers into the planning, omscaler has made a paper foot print measuring one foot by three feet. The idea is to make graph paper outlines of both the track works and relevant buildings. This should give us an accurate way to place everything. More to come, omscaler


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Job complete!

At last, the latest fifty-ton hopper is done. The side sheets, both inside and out, are laser cut. Improved reporting marks are on the sides. Improved end frames have been developed. An overall neater appearance is seen. This may be more evident regarding the side ribs. On the downside, daylight can be seen over the center beam. Omscaler will still put this hopper to work on The Omega Scale Railway. Freight gotta’ move! Next project looks like foliage. Moving forward, omscaler


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

More slow and steady progress

Hello again faithful blog readers. This week is still about the fifty-ton hopper. The new end frame building method looks like it will do two things. One, look more prototypical. Two, be somewhat stronger. This method does take longer to do. Hence, omscaler may not have completed the hopper when this is posted. I will keep you posted (bad pun). Some foliage building trials are still scheduled as well. Getting in the trees, omscaler


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Off to a good start

I would like to thank all the faithful blog readers. This blog probably does not seem as “user friendly” as some others but that may change in 2023. At this point, omscaler is doing an “improved” fifty-ton hopper build. This will make a dozen of this car type. Very appropriate for the part of Illinois being modeled. New features include clearer reporting marks, neater side ribs, a slightly longer center beam and laser cut sides. Assembly of this hopper did take a turn for the worse. As the internal slope sheets were being put in, a misalignment occurred. Omscaler decided to live with the mistake even though the length of the beam cover sheets was not equal. Too much damage would take place if this were redone. However, omscaler had an idea about how to prevent this problem going forward. This idea will eliminate one component and two cuts. It strikes omscaler as odd how the ideas for improvement happen after the fact. I guess it is a “mental mystery”. We are still going to work on foliage this very week. Barring the unforseen. Looking to the future, omscaler.


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Happy New Year to everyone.

Are you looking for a great year? Omscaler is. We are trying to be more organized and better scheduled this year. We have instituted a simple daily bench-marking plan. This will be followed up by an end of week recap. Wish us the best on this idea. As of this post, the Jersey cow should be complete. Then what will be next. There are tentative plans for foliage building. So much is vying for attention right now. But, as before, we will get ‘er done. Cranking up the new year, omscaler