Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Wiggling off the track?

Last week started off well, it being Father’s Day and all. Monday evening saw me getting home after lunch with my son to a steak and baked potato dinner prepared by my oldest daughter. Saturday and Sunday were spent with my youngest daughter with good food as well. Caught a fish too! As a further note, the oldest daughter is staying with me until her apartment arrangements are complete. Glad for the visit. You dear reader may be wondering what this has to do with the OSR. Omscaler is wondering a little “hisself”. A little distraction here. A little there. So now Friday finds omscaler with little being accomplished. We did make preparations for expanding the module using a thirty inch by five-foot box-beam table. When this table is adjacent to the “variable desk” where the current module is located it will be very imposing. Fortunately, it easily dissassembles. Until next week, omscaler


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