Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

A (another?) cautionary tale

Hello again faithful readers. This week’s caption does indeed indicate some unexpected challenges. As mentioned before, a major boxcar upgrade project is in the works. The first was a Southern Railway PS-1. This project turnout pretty well. After this, omscaler was going ahead to work up a batch of car sides in sufficient number to complete the upgrades. Last Saturday afternoon omscaler set up the laser cutter cut file and decided to use the project outline feature in the software to make sure the cardstock was in the correct position. The button was clicked on. The laser head moved to the vertical position and then...nothing. No further movement. Omscaler got somewhat agitated rather quickly. A check of the laser operating software was done. Another trial outline was started. No go. At this point, omscaler began looking over the laser itself. It was discovered that the right-side x-axis pulley belt was not engaging. To find out why, omscaler disassembled the housing. The so-called belt tensioner. What was found was about four cracks total in the bottom and top of the pulley bracket. Omscaler definitely became very puzzled at this point. There was a vague recollection of bumping the laser cutter frame while moving it off the table to clean that table. What to do? First idea: check price of an entire replacement laser cutter. Doable but very reluctant. Second idea: check price of a replacement belt tensioner. Very affordable but decided to wait. Third idea: get out the super glue and go to work on a repair. This was fiddley work. However, patience and persistence were rewarded. Now, the laser cut boxcar sides project is over fifty percent completed as of this writing. After getting the laser cutter back on track, literally, another issue reared its ugly head. What was happening was that when the cardstock was cut, some details were burned beyond recognition. This was very puzzling due to the success with the first boxcar. Different laser settings were tried. Not successful. This after cutting just one boxcar side. Finally, omscaler thought, “Let's get real basic and use the preview feature." When this was done, what was seen was that some cut lines were to be cut multiple times. This was what was burning the details off. Somehow, what appeared to be one thick line on the cut diagram was actually “stacked lines”. The cut diagram was gone over line by line, and all unnecessary lines were eliminated. This took several tries. As mentioned above, the project got back underway. Omscaler is still unsure how multiple lines got put in the diagram. It probably happened when the basic cut diagram was converted by hand from the preliminary diagram. Omscaler says you always pay for your education.


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