There is an old song that says a beautiful woman is like a
melody. Why is that? Well, have you ever heard a piece of music and later you
could not get it out of your head? That's what the song means. You become
acquainted or even just meet one and there you are. You can't get her out of
your head. What a wonderful distraction, hopefully. Another thing is, a
beautiful woman can be inspiring. Think about Venus, the Goddess or the athlete
your preference. Or Helen of Troy, why was she called Helen of Troy, she came
from Greece? But, anyway, you get my point. Now, here is what this has to do
with The Omega Scale Railway. People need inspiration in their lives to accomplish
great things. What is great to one may not seem so great to another. Never the
less, if you or I need something to push us to do what daunts us gather
inspiration from whatever source it comes. Even if it is a beautiful woman.
P.S. The Omega Scale Railway just may relate to beautiful women in an
unexpected way. More on this later. The omscaler