Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.
Showing posts with label Ahh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ahh. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Ahh, Fall at last

If you are like me, you are ready for less humidity and more sunshine. The weather is great as I write this. This is the kind of day a locomotive engineer would enjoy. Soon leaves will turn and scenery will be more colorful. And now for a confession. Omscaler finds it hard to stay inside and work on days like this. A hike would be more appropriate. Oh well, it's either too hot or too cold, too dry or too wet. Human nature. I bet this is a good day for a hike on an old railbed. There are a few around. It's all about balance. We shall see. The work on The Omega Scale Railway continues. Albeit with some distraction. Until next week, omscaler