Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.
Showing posts with label Holiday Season. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday Season. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Label: Holiday Season

The Holiday season is now in full swing. It is a great time of year. This is the time when many people put train at the foot of their Christmas tree. Fun, fun, fun. Is that what it is all about. Yes and no. what is wrong with good clean fun. Special programs and activities abound. Also, many groups and individuals give to those who need help. Also, fun? A philosopher once said there is no truly unselfish act. This is great. That means a gift is always a win-win. Here at The Omega Scale railway, plans are afoot for upgrades and improvements. A fitting past-time for years end. And, where I am at, the weather is significantly colder. Good to have indoor activities. Your omscaler is busily biting off more than he can chew. Whatever. We will chew harder and faster. Again, fun, fun. That's we are all about here at OSR, fun. Have fun readers and be safe as you crank up for Christmas and New Year's. omscaler