Label: What's in a name?
Hello again, faithful followers of The Omega Scale Railway.
As indicated above, this week we're talking about the name. “What do I mean by
that?”, you might ask. Well, as this blogger sees it, The Omega Scale Railway
is the name of the scale. The way I have been blogging about it, it sounds like
that The Omega Scale Railway is the name of my personal small scale railroad.
This is a natural conclusion. However, I realized that maybe I should not refer
to The OSR so possessively. Doing this slights the other Omega Scalers, though
not done intentionally. These other practitioners of Omega Scale deserve their
just dues. They may number in the multitudes (or not). They probably are too
bashful or modest to comment or take credit. Probably concerned about my
feelings as well. To put things to right, omscaler is active in Omega Scale
model railroading, the 1/32nd inch to one foot, 1/384 scale model railroad. My
“layout” is referred to as the “Union City Division”, based on the Gulf Mobile
and Ohio railroad. The GM&O, a regional road, was based in Mobile, Alabama.
The freight house featured here was in Union City, Tennessee. This location was
chosen for modeling due to the availability of a diagram of the old freight
house at that location. Hence, the Union City Division was born. Special
announcement: The Omega Scale Railway blog was one year old on Valentine's Day!
Happy belated Valentine's Day to you Valentiners out there. Omscaler is
planning “A Look Back” series to celebrate this landmark milestone. See you in
the following weeks. omscaler