Happy Anniversary!
Yes, Happy Anniversary! To who? To us! This is the third anniversary of The Omega Scale Railway blog. You, the readers, and I the erstwhile blogger have kept at it and here we are. What a great milestone!
The actual start date was in fact February 14th. This post is about three days early. Better early than late, eh? I was thinking how the OSR began as a germ of an idea. Then after a number of years, things began
to come together, literally. In a previous post I recounted how the blog got its name. Omega Scale was coined by a Model Railroader editor in the April, 1982 edition as a comment at the end of a contributor’s article
about his 1/384 scale model railroad. Since 2015, omscaler has worked seriously to bring the vision to fruition. I also thought about the many ideas, projects and plans that were called for. Omscaler has built his own dual
beam trammel compass to aid in large curve radii drawing. One of many “firsts”. As I think back, obstacle after obstacle was over come. Frankly, that has not changed even now. Although, they are not so many as
before it seems like. At this point in time, this blogger is not even aware of any other 1/384 scale model railroader any where in the world. If you follow this blog, you and I are truly unique! Here’s to uniqueness!
Long may we prevail! Still prevailing, omscaler