Eddie working at the freight house with his new hand trucks.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Are we there yet (still)?

On long vacation drives, the tradition is for children to ask their parents, “Are we there yet?”. This is done soon after departure and many time repeated during the drive. The purpose of the inquiries are not to gather information but to remind said parents how much a vacation is needed. Omscale makes these remarks with tongue in cheek. As a matter of fact, the cabooses may be at the ninety percent completion as of last posting and will definitely be complete when readers see this post. Barring some kind of disaster. This post will be published on Ground Hog’s Day and omscaler wishes all the very best on this auspicious occasion. Still digging, omscaler


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

More progress

Nope we were not there yet as of last post. I think by this posting we will have a least one caboose in the rail yard. This project was more ground breaking than omscaler realized. I should have suspected this at the start. Waycar, crummy, bobber, all names used other that caboose. The hope is that the work doesn’t deserve the name “crummy”. This is some of the reason that completion time is so long. As a side note there are four, that’s right fout box cars in the shop for upgrading. I hope this is the last group. As for the trees, they have been shunted to the back burner. I hope to get to them by week's end. Shoulder to the wheel, omscaler


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The week that should have been

If last week had been perfect, it was: “Hello again dear readers!, Well, we have two shiny new cabooses and leafy new trees!”. Since it was not perfect we had more planning and working on two cabooses. A discrepancy in the main deck dimension was discovered and had to have new components cut out. The trees are technically still drying even though they have been dried well by now. We did figure out a way to save time on installing caboose windows. Hooray! So, as of Saturday night past we were attaching caboose walls together. We will see what we get done by Tuesday morning, the post time of these blogs. Getting a little more done, omscaler


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Blog upgrade announcement!

As readers have already observed, there have been some changes to the information and appearance of The Omega Scale Railway blog. Omscaler has put a some background information about the scale and a cool picture of a GM&O diesel locomotive. The caboose project seems like it has gotten trickier and trickier so it is not done yet. Also, something new, omscaler is working on making trees. Yes trees! First the Murphysboro looked like a beach with no ocean for a long time. Then it looked like some dirt for a long time. Then two buildings with streets and grass (where it is now). So, let’s get some trees going. This is the strangest work I have done so far. But, who knows where it will lead (leaf)? Until next post, keep it on the rails, omscaler


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Back to work


Yep, back to making the dream come true. Here at The Very Small Railroad we hard at work this week. As of this post, and I mean directly, we have cut out caboose door and window openings. We are thinking about how to do window glazing. We have a few ideas and we will make it happen. 2021 looks like it will be a big year for The Omega Scale Railway. I know it will be an even better railroad. I am very enthusiastic regarding the upcoming year. I hope readers are as well. Caboosing along, omscaler


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Happy New Year!


Omscaler hopes that everyone had a good Christmas. I certainly did. As I told someone, the New Year is fast upon us. Some things are what they are until they are not. (I forget who said this.) Soon the old year will be not. Goals abound. Not too late to set yours. Including goals and sub-goals omscaler looks like he has over twenty! Will we get them done? The suspense is building. As mentioned before, two cabooses are in the shop now. Running gear is ready to install on both. Sides and some ends are cut out. Will they get done by next post? More suspense. Don’t party too hardy New Year’s Eve. Omscaler


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Merry Christmas!


That’s right! The big day is almost here. Have you got done what you wanted to get done? Me neither. Have you been good? Me neither! A little honesty never hurt anyone! Tell the truth. You will feel better. Christmas is always a good and special time of year for me. Many folks have a train running around the foot of their tree. Growing up I did not. However, it seems like one was always available. Omscaler loves convenience. Lots of outdoor displays then and now have a Santa “Engineer” with a Christmas train. Gotta’ love it. This Christmas is probably more challenging for many people for obvious reasons. Omscaler believes remembering that Christmas is about “The Gift” of a Savior from God to man. This is a spiritual time as well as a fun time for these reasons. No material thing can bring peace in and of itself. If you are struggling with some of these issues, consider giving yourself. Go see your friends and family if you can. Visit, if possible, a nursing home resident (may be less doable due to health restrictions). Use your imagination. Bling will never replace a heartfelt gift. Have fun. Drop those old burdens before you step into next year. A new beginning is coming. Merry Christmas! Omscaler