Label: Let's make tracks
The old saying is “There is no place like home”. Well, our
growing family of Omega Scale rolling stock has already outgrown their home. We
have five in the house counting the pre-production models. The little test
track is relatively short. The first locomotive is in production. It has run
behind for sure but will be ready soon. So now we need to find (that is make) a
bigger place to play and live. Just like a real family. So, current plans call
for track templates for straight and curved sections. The curved sections will
be a variety of radii (radiusses for people who are Latin challenged). This
will allow construction of different configurations as well as turnouts
(switches). So now it's time to get busy. Sub sections of projects abound.
Excelsior! One to three eighty-four! Charge! Once again, an excited omscaler