Eddie working at the freight house with his new hand trucks.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Label: OMG! Here we go again!
Last installment, omscaler related the account of the “reworked” test track. Well, now it seems that the “improved” trackage looks better but, now tolerances are “improved” as well. What does this mean? Well, fellow travelers, it means the as usual erstwhile (and patient) omscaler must now “rework” so called equipment retainers. The old retainers are now too thick and prone to tear off. Not a good outcome for industrial equipment at all. Hopefully, by the time you, the reader see this, all will be well. Still persistent, omscaler

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Label: More complicated

And now it gets more complicated. As I complete the “reworked” test track, I can see where there is the need for a turnout (also called switch). The reason being that when the main oval is complete, there is no way to put equipment into/ on the track. This is one aspect that readers may not yet comprehend. Specifically, The Omega Scale Railway is so small that it is powered by a sub-surface conveyor. The turnout then is necessary to put equipment onto an oval track. This is, a matter of fact, what happened before. Your omscaler got the cart out in front of the horse. I got the oval assembled without the drive cable. I did leave a panel on one side for the purpose of mounting the drive unit and placing cars with their subsurface retainers on the track. However, this was not what was needed. So, now we have our ducks in a row. And forward we go! (Hey look I'm a poet!) Omscaler

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Label: “The Laws of A-Track-shun” [The Laws of Attraction?]

Well, as you readers know, last installment of The Omega Scale heralded the completion of the test track. And, to be honest, it worked nominally well. However, to be completely honest, the level of “reworking” was quite high. And that is the problem with being somewhat of a perfectionist. Perfectionists like me now see the idea of “if you're going to rework it, at least make it better.” so, that is what is now in progress. This will delay some other efforts but will make the perfectionist in me happy. BTW, I wonder why I can't be like this as far as my own housekeeping chores? Oh, well I guess I can't be perfectionist in everything. Pick your battles, eh? Anyway, along with reworking the test track, the 0-6-0 shifter now needs reworking. It got “damaged” during the initial break-in of the test track. No pun intended or enjoyed. The plus side of this is that the shifter needed details added anyway.  Also, a boxcar was “damaged” too, but has how been repaired. It looks like all this “damage” is giving new meaning to the term “test track”. Still persistent, omscaler

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Label: It's time to say “Whew” again.

Yes, it's time to say “Whew” again. I just put together the critical test track. Where the “whew” comes in again is that the omscaler again has gotten too excited and pushed to hard and had to back up and redo. So much for “enthusiasm”. Yeah, enthusiasm, that sounds a lot more dignified. But, back to the matter. We have a test track. In other words, our omega scale equipment has at least a rudimentary “home”. Now maybe we can “successfully” fast track (pun intended) more equipment development. Still excited, omscaler

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Label: Procrastination and the battle for craftsmanship
Well, dear readers, I sit here writing the next installment of The Omega Scale Railway blog. Yesterday, I was diligently working on the completion of a full fledged test track. I only have a short straight section at this point. Anyway, as I completed certain components, I saw that what had happened your erstwhile omscaler had once again gotten into a bit of a rush. Stuff wasn't going to work right. So, what to do? There was no other choice but to stop. Scrap the current materials and get back to basics. Coach Bear Bryant would relate. So, that is what I did. Your omscaler is happy to report that progress is once again on track. Specs are on spec and so on. Lesson relearned. Once again, an anticipatory(?) omscaler

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Label: Slowly, but surely

Slowly and hopefully surely. This is how we are now progressing. Things are definitely looking up. Also, new methods for locomotive construction have been developed. This will produce better performance and better appearance it is believed. Again, car reporting marks have become “home grown” and look cool. Next post should have some definite results to report. omscaler

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Label: Good news and bad news
First things first. We are still remembering and concerned about those whose lives have been impacted by devastating weather. Even though this blog is about having fun and building a hobby, no right minded person is indifferent to the plight of first Houston area people and now Florida people. After all, this blog is really about relating to people. We all know that the last storms did so much damage that it will literally be years rebuilding. Many lives will never return to the previous norm.

     Now at this point I do have some bad news. Not seriously bad like the aforementioned but relevant to this effort. The print shop I had do the run of boxcars lost a key person over the summer do to a move necessitated by a job change of the person's spouse. Understandable. As a result, the shop has been unable to continue producing key components for The Omega Scale Railway. Particularly, trackage. This of course is critical for a railroad. Disappointing, but sometimes things happen. Now, for some good news. When it became likely that no further components would be coming, the erstwhile omscaler got busy think about solutions. As it always happens, solutions were available. Relatively inexpensive solutions at that. Hooray! This is part of the mission of The Omega Scale Railway. The OSR or as sometime referred to, The very small railroad, has been developed with people on a budget in mind. The nuts and bolts can be produced for ten to twenty dollars in our estimates. With the aid of a home built beam compass, large radius curves can be developed. This had been the reason for pursuing results from the print shop. Also, it gets better, a certain type of tool was found at a craft store. This tool  had been observed in a demo online. The internet to the rescue again! And it gets even better, there is online “freeware” for railroad lettering. This will have to be done within certain legal limits but still for the home builder, these things are usually no charge as stated on the web site. So, lucky me. We can still move forward (hopefully) with no further delays. To recap, broad radius curves, new fabricating tools, graphics, wow! (Maybe the shop can now pursue business inline with its goals as well?) It's win, win for all! Until next time and wishing the best for those weather affected, omscaler