Eddie working at the freight house with his new hand trucks.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Label: What is needed?

As mentioned previously, the OSR is gearing up for more equipment. The big question is, what is most needed right now? Well, (to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas) one yard shifter, two Moguls, three red cabooses (caboosi?), four flat cars, five gondolas, six tank cars, seven, coal hoppers, eight covered hoppers,  nine out side braced wood boxcars, ten refrigerator cars, eleven wood sheathed boxcars, twelve sheet steel boxcars. But seriously, what does a small railroad really need? Let's look at what businesses need rail service and also what geography is the railroad located in. Potential answers: large factories – boxcars, gondolas, coal hoppers, flat cars. Food processing – refrigerators, boxcars, coal hoppers. Note: if this railroad is placed back in the day, lots of plants had their own steam generation capability, hence coal deliveries. Chemical plants – tank cars. Plus smaller distributors need all of the above in smaller amounts. And where to put the main rail yard? And does the railway cross rivers, lakes, ridges and mountains? We need bridges and extra locomotives. So, start small and work your way up. The sky is the limit. omscaler

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Label: Holiday Season

The Holiday season is now in full swing. It is a great time of year. This is the time when many people put train at the foot of their Christmas tree. Fun, fun, fun. Is that what it is all about. Yes and no. what is wrong with good clean fun. Special programs and activities abound. Also, many groups and individuals give to those who need help. Also, fun? A philosopher once said there is no truly unselfish act. This is great. That means a gift is always a win-win. Here at The Omega Scale railway, plans are afoot for upgrades and improvements. A fitting past-time for years end. And, where I am at, the weather is significantly colder. Good to have indoor activities. Your omscaler is busily biting off more than he can chew. Whatever. We will chew harder and faster. Again, fun, fun. That's we are all about here at OSR, fun. Have fun readers and be safe as you crank up for Christmas and New Year's. omscaler

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Label: Heading toward year's end

Wow! We are already at November's last week. Thanksgiving time is here. It seems like the year has blown by. Traditionally, many people would have a model train running under the old Christmas tree. I like this time of year. However, many people do not have happy memories at this time. Sometimes, family problems are inadvertently highlighted. Often by strife, want or family problems in general. We here at The Omega Scale Railway are mindful of this. Hopefully, you faithful reader, will think about this as well. Even if you are one who is not so happy at the holiday season. We all can feel better by being generous or a help to those who may be in need. Your friend year round, omscaler

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Label: Freight house going up

     A new freight house is being constructed for The Omega Scale Railway. This effort is our very first structure for the OSR and we are excited to relate this to our reading public. As a matter of note, the small town train station was a major hub of activity in a bygone era. The romantic allure and atmosphere of this public place is not now understood or appreciated. However, movies from that time period often include this place as an exciting starting place for the stories they portrayed. And in real life, the excitement was palpable. The passenger's comings and goings were the stuff of real life drama. Especially for small town America. As an adjunct to the station's passengers, freight and parcels were coming and going as well. Sometimes the freight activities were right in the next room. Often they were in their own special building. Hence, our construction efforts. And, for very small towns, passengers left from the freight house. The freight agent being the ticket agent as well. ALL ABOAARD!, omscaler

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Label: This is exciting!

Yes! We now have a clear path forward. We have always had a plan, but this is different. I can feel the electricity in the atmosphere. It is all coming together. I feel buoyant. The turnout issue is a non issue. The solution has already presented itself. There is something about seeing a vision materializing that just rev's me up. In my mind's eye I can see an extensive 1/384 layout that includes water features, bridges and foliage. As Teddy Roosevelt would say, “Charge!”. Yours from a low orbit, omscaler

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Label: OMG again again!

Last installment related the omscaler was laboring to get things in order (I skipped the obvious 'back on track' pun). We got that done. But now the actual retainer is giving us fits. We will prevail. This is critical. The entire project is at stake. As you previously read, there was a delay regarding the possibility of printing track components. Omscaler was busy during the delay gathering actual historic car reporting marks from websites thereby building a large database of this information. Now we do have track specifications and a working test track. (we still needs turnouts [switches]). Now, we would like to execute the plan. But, we gotta' get the retainer right. And we will. omscaler

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Label: OMG! Here we go again!
Last installment, omscaler related the account of the “reworked” test track. Well, now it seems that the “improved” trackage looks better but, now tolerances are “improved” as well. What does this mean? Well, fellow travelers, it means the as usual erstwhile (and patient) omscaler must now “rework” so called equipment retainers. The old retainers are now too thick and prone to tear off. Not a good outcome for industrial equipment at all. Hopefully, by the time you, the reader see this, all will be well. Still persistent, omscaler