Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

What is a train?

On The Very Small Railroad a train is anything with a caboose behind any amount of railcars. This would put a caboose behind even just a few cars but them’s the rules. Right now we have the Mogul in front of a ten car train plus the caboose. This number actually looks pretty good considering the size of the locomotive. Omscaler does not recall how many cars a real Mogul could handle on flat terrain. This could be a good idea for some research. As said before, this size train actually crowds the turnouts due to their placement. Also as stated, this calls for more “trackage” which we will do as the schedule permits. Right now we are still working on the hotel. After that, probably another structure. What do we need? Your input is welcome in the comments section below each post. See you on the high iron. Omscaler


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Good to get out to a show

Just a little post about the train show. This was in fact the annual Coosa Valley Model Railroad Association show. This show was not permitted last year due to restrictions by the City of Gadsden. So we skipped a year. This particular show is thirty-four years old. The turnout was pretty good and omscaler was glad to see some people I had not seen in a little while. The location is also very interesting. The name of the venue is 210 @ The Tracks. If you walk out the front door about eleven feet (or less) you are standing between two rails. If you look to the east (turn right), you see the old swing bridge. This bridge does not open anymore but was built to allow passage for tall river traffic. I am thinking about the old paddle wheel steam boats that used to work on the Coosa. Another thing, the venue is located next to a restaurant and they were cooking outside. Boy what an aroma. Anyway, lots to do and see in the area. I hope many more folks attend next year. Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

It is about time!

 Last week’s post described the latest project on The Very Small Railroad. It has been a very long time since a structure was added to the Murphysboro module. The development of the running stock upgrades took way too long. The place has been looking like a ghost town. Only two buildings to see. Fortunately, the upgrades appear to be working. However there is still a pesky friction problem. In spite of this, we did build a twelve car train. This length of train is just about all we can do in three feet due to turnout placement. Guess what? This means we need more modules! Didn’t omscaler tell you the fun never stops on The Omega Scale Railway. We always go back and forth on which project to do next. But as always we will get ‘er done. Omscaler


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

New project announcement

That is right. We have a decision. Our next project will be a building. Not just any building. The structure will be the “Hamilton House” Hotel, located in old Murphysboro, Illinois. However, there are two considerations here. One is that the location will be changed from the original one. Two is that the building will be a “partial model” due to limited space in that part of the town. We may change the second consideration. The final decision has not yet been made. To get started there is plenty to do with drawing a working plan from our chosen model The “Jackson House” Hotel still to be seen in Eureka, Nevada. Now you have some trivia about The Omega Scale Railway that you can tell your grandchildren. See you on the right of way next time, omscaler


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

One down and one to go

 Yes. We have just one locomotive and one tender to finish. Just a short while ago, the 0-6-0 shifter was installed on the layout module. We will do a “shake down” to check it out in short order. Initial running though short is promising. The upgrade on this particular locomotive was a little challenging. Fortunately, a modular design was used and that helped shorten the turn around time. Omscaler hopes that the same will hold true for the Mogul. As a point of information for readers, this is the closest to deadline a post has been prepared in a very long time. Late but not tardy, omscaler


Tuesday, March 16, 2021


So glad to be out of the cold. Today’s weather: perfect. Will it continue? Not likely. Anyway, enough about the outside, let’s get to the inside. All but one railcar is upgraded. We had a “surprise” repair to make on a flatcar. We think this was a fluke and will not be repeated. Both locomotives are in the shop for the same upgrades. After that, who knows? Seriously, omscaler has plenty to do here. It is a little hard to pick a direction but it will happen. A work holder was devised to help with the upgrades and will help us going forward. Omscaler is still taking votes on the next car or locomotive type to be built. Please make your voice heard in the comment section. Looking forward, omscaler


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

A stitch in time

 A stitch in time saves time goes the old proverb. I am finding this to be true as I “stitch” the car upgrades. The group I am working on now consists of four boxcars and one flatcar. Our new materials and techniques may be a little extra challenging on this flatcar due to small dimensions. The previous cars that were shopped did include a flatcar as well and this car works okay. However, omscaler had to fiddle with it a little more to get the job done. The covered hopper had to go to the scrap pile and a better design for this type will be made. See I told you this model railroad is challenging. All part of the fun here. Anyway, back to the workshop. Omscaler