Good to have "The Old Reliable" on the property.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Upgraded drive link

 Hello again readers. In the last post, omscaler was mulling over which direction to take regarding maintenance of The Omega Scale Railway. As stated before, a number of things are needed. What took place last week was a redesign of the locomotive drive link component. This component is a simple formed wire. The first iteration worked but not as well as hoped. The new part is very similar but more robust. Initial work is very promising and omscaler hopes this one continues to work well. More testing is needed. Work is also being done on an improved car side rib method. This effort is actually somewhat ironic considering that the previous hopper group is complete. These cars have seven ribs on each side. Other possible developments are in the works as well. Just thought I would give readers an update that is a little more specific. Continuing to dig in, omscaler


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Details make the difference

Omscaler was thinking about a past post regarding one or more well done model railroad layouts. The term layout usually means the place where a model railroad resides. All the noteworthy layouts have this in common: The layout is as close to the real world as possible. This can be very challenging when one has to shrink the model railroad to fit the available space. Layout builders have been very skilled at meeting this constraint. Needless to say, these results definitely inspire omscaler. Going forward, The Very Small Railroad is long overdue for a more lifelike appearance. We need people, animals, vehicles, structures, foliage. All of these will have to be developed in the proper scale. We love pioneering here on The Omega Scale Railway. Just adds to the fun. But which direction should we take? Initial experiments are now taking place. By the time this post is published, we should have a handle on the way forward. Brimming with anticipation, omscaler


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

A landmark project

Hello again, blog readers. By the time that you are reading this post, ten new fifty-ton open top hoppers will be placed on the Murphysboro module. As the header caption states this is a landmark project. It has been at least three years since such a large group of railcars has been built. It is of particular note that comparatively speaking this group has a much higher level of fidelity to the prototype than the first group. These cars represent the actual hopper cars used by the GM&O railroad during its heyday. Also, as previously written, the individual car numbers are the actual numbers used by the railroad. Here on The Omega Scale Railway, we do strive for realism. As for the original group of cars mentioned above, they are going to be replaced over time with more prototypical equipment. This will probably be done singly or in pairs as time permits. “What is the next project”, readers may wonder? That, dear folks will be announced soon. Immediately, maintenance work will be done on the module. It is much needed. Doing the upkeep, omscaler


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Still a little more

 Yes, the hopper cars a moving, albeit slowly, toward the finish mark. The previously mentioned stirrup step former is now a reality. The final form still needs to be fine-tuned. This construction aid is one of many omscaler has come up with over the course of developing The Omega Scale Railway. After the stirrup steps are attached, all that remains should be attaching the car bodies to the center beam assemblies. These center beams are already complete and awaiting the installations of the car bodies. Omscaler is expecting that the mounting of the bodies will need some fine tuning as well. Seems like it always does. Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

“Gluing” toward the finish line

Omscaler is pleased to report that most of the hopper group are nearing completion. What remains now is brake wheel and brake wheel platforms along with stirrup steps. Hopefully, this will go smoothly. Omscaler has an idea for an assembly form for the steps. This form will be able to work on all freight cars and perhaps many locomotives as well. This form will allow for multiple groups of four steps. This alone will speed up production. Looking forward to being speedy, omscaler


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Component success!

 Your erstwhile Omega Scale modeler has achieved another goal. The hopper end frame configuration had been previously problematic. When something doesn’t look right, it doesn’t look right. Lesson we learned here a long time ago. I am happy to report that the new method looks realistic. At least more so than before. Omscaler has only done the frames for one hopper. The new method allows for a strong bond while looking the right size. An important consideration in context. The rest of the batch will follow. Still "hoppering" along, omscaler


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The new old boxcar

As readers will note, the M&StL boxcar has been improved. Omscaler was not satisfied with his own work on this one. Therefore, the boxcar was re-shopped. Part of the reason was the availability of better graphics for reporting marks. The other was that the ladders were sub-standard. The result is a definite improvement. There are still visible flaws to be seen. However, omscaler will try to adhere to a better construction standard in the future. As readers may be able to tell, this side project was interjected in the midst of the larger hopper project. The hoppers are in the process of having end frames installed. With the final details, this should bring a completion to this major project. Then, onward and upward. Working with anticipation, omscaler