Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas!
Yes! It’s that time of year again. What a great Holiday! We can celebrate the birth of The Messiah, Immanuel, Jesus Christ The Lord and other honorific titles we use to describe Jesus. Did you know that in the Old Testament, Jesus is Joshua. What has all this got to do with model trains? Well it is this. The great message of The Gospel is this, people can be forgiven their sins and people do not have to sin. This was the groundbreaking message of the Great Reformation, the two-pronged Gospel. In ancient times, pagan people were forever knocking on trees, throwing salt around the house, trying not to knock over the salt, all in order not ot offend a deity. They were also ruled by some kind of overlord in most cases. It was through The Gospel that people began to rise out of the mud. Because their minds were renewed, they began to invent and innovate. Some will point out that other groups not associated with Christianity also innovated. Not a problem as I can see. Progress is progress. Anyway, technology came to the fore. Then it became commonplace. Then most people had modern conveniences. Then I had a model railroad. A compact account I know. Currently we are enjoying the new freighthouse and have begun the historic Mobile and Ohio Railroad passenger station with the main headquarters located on the second floor. See the old building on google maps satellite view of Murphysboro, IL at Walnut and 17th Streets. In the season, omscaler

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