Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

“Summit Fever!”
Yes, your dear omscaler got “summit fever”. As some of you know, summit fever is what happens when mountain climbers get near the top of mountains like Annapurna and Mt. Everest and others. Sometimes this condition is fatal as the climbers are exhausted, low on oxygen, energy, water, and food. The climbers get giddy, ebulent and overly optimistic about their ability to complete the summit attempt. My case happened sometime after nine o’clock Sunday night. I was trying to wrap up the critical Murphysboro freight house project when suddenly it dawned on me that it was getting late. I looked at the clock. I looked at the project. I looked back at the clock. I looked back at the project. I thought to myself, “I’m gonna’ do it!”. So I went for the final push. When I got done, I looked at the clock again. The clock said ten o’ seven P.M. I was done! No altitude sickness, no frostbite. Now we have a temporary base of operations in Murphysboro. We can dispatch trains, organize repairs and ship freight. Soon, other facilities will take over some of this. Until that time, the freighthouse is where it’s at. Yours, planning more projects, omscaler

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