Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Layouts? What is a layout?
One of our readers recently contacted me by non blog channels. He remarked about one of the “firsts” I had referred to in the previous blog post. He is busy working on his model railway. It is a set up we commonly call a “layout” . I have seen a number of layouts both in person, in magazines, and online. The work is often spectacular and almost approaches “art”. I was thinking about what makes a really great layout. There are usually a number of salient characteristics. The trains run well. There are usually a number of turnouts. Plenty of railcars. Often, the layout is equipped with sound. Sometimes the sound is in cars but now more commonly in the locomotives themselves. Also, there is ambient sound. Waterfalls, cattle mooing, diner/nightclub music and more. Animation is present as well. Besideds railway equipment there is vehicle movement, boat movement, factory movement and still more. But again I ponder what makes a great layout? What characteristic seems to be the pinnacle characteristic of a layout? If you study any layout that facscinates you, I believe one feature always stands out. That feature is “realism”. The viewer feels like they are gazing upon a miniature world. A world very much like their own or like their grandparents world. A world so realistic they wish they could become small and get in it! What makes this miniature world so realistic? Usually the viewer will see lots of scale people. These people are going about, seemingly, daily activites. Ballgames, street repair crews, travellers, commuters and so on. Also, look at the railcars. Do they look like they sport factory fresh paint? No, they look somewhat grimy. The buildings also look weathered as well. Where do these features live? They live among foliage. Trees, bushes, grass, cattails, rocks, hills and ridges. If you, the reader, attend a train show and see something that grips your attention, please give a nod to those whose work has culminated in the effect you enjoy. Still enjoying the OSR, omscaler


Unknown said...

While I am sure there are exceptions, it seems to me that many hobbyists who emphasize "operations" are relatively happy with a layout that has very little in terms of scenery and structures, as long as they have interesting work for the railroad to do. Give them a complex switching problem, delivering and picking up loads, or clearing the main line for a through train, and they are ready for action. I lean more towards the "railfan" end of the spectrum. I like the realism of a well-scenicked layout. To me, it makes the locomotives and freight cars look even better. I am entertained by seeing trains move through the countryside or an urban setting that faithfully captures a scene that you could imagine existing somewhere at some point in time. DW

omscaler said...

Very thoughtful insight and very good points. Thank you for leaving these remarks. omscaler