Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Speaking of Layouts
Just a little more about layouts and some exciting news. Hopefully last post got everybody at least a little curious about model train layouts. I have great news. People the the southeastern corner of the United States will soon have an opportunity to view some layouts if they have not seen one up close and personal. What this blog writer is talking about is the Winter Train Show at the Helena Sports Complex, Helena, Alabama. The last time I went there were indeed layouts to be seen. All good stuff. This is a great mid winter family venue due to the presence of a number of vendors being there as well. These vendors often have things on display for all ages. The dates: Friday, February 28th, 4 P.M.- 8 P.M. Saturday, 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. There is an admission charge. I hope to see everyone there, omscaler

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