Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A clear picture


Yes readers, we have finished the project and we have also done a “shakedown” operation on the new locomotive. The “shakedown” actually left omscaler a little shaken but we are okay now. The shakedown required some tweaking to get correct operation of the equipment. With such small tolerances we are used to this. All part of the one to three eighty-four terrain in which we work. Since it is now December with Christmas and New Year’s fast approaching, omscaler has been hard at work preparing for next year. We have listed about twenty goals for The Omega Scale Railway in year 2021. Wow! Omscaler may be working on this well into the future. What about you the reader? Please feel free to share your goal or goals for 2021 in the comment section of this blog. I bet there are some really interesting ones out there. As a side note, goals that are written down have something close to an over ninety percent chance of becoming a reality. What have you got to lose? Yours optimistically, omscaler


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