Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

No cutting corners!


That’s right. No corners cut with regard to the blog. Sometimes we do build things with or without certain features not visible to the eye, but that is not what omscaler is referring to. As of the writing the Mogul is complete and the tender is awaiting a front platform, attachment of running gear and reporting marks if I have not left off something. Oh yes and side steps. Maybe that is all. Omscaler is actually hoping to get all this done before posting this but if not we have a clear picture of where we are now. Glad to be circumspect with the readers and all. I am still hoping readers will suggest the next project after the two cabooses are done. An outside braced wood boxcar is currently the front runner. Omscaler reserves the right to change the suggestion if deemed not feasible. Arbitrary I know but readers may not understand the complexity involved when fabricating rolling stock. Still fabricating (rolling stock), omscaler


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