Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

A typical day

Readers may wonder what a typical day on The Omega Scale Railway is like. A recent occurrence may shed light on this question. Omscaler had geared up to make a new boxcar for The Very Small Railway and was busy making the needed parts. Omscaler began to ponder the question, ” Wouldn’t it be good to make some of the needed parts for the next project”? As often happens at times like these, omscaler decided to deviate a little from the project at hand and make enough parts for ten additional rail cars. This did indeed eat into the time needed for the current project. Fortunately, the time used was not too long and will benefit the next project that uses these parts when the need arises. One thing omscaler has learned is that the temptation to get sidetracked often presents itself on The Omega Scale Railway. (Pun intended.) As has been state before, part of the reason is due to a large backlog of potential projects. Omscaler just lives with it and moves on. Right now, omscaler has to deal with the fact that one of the current project parts was cut too short. Fortunately, this has become a somewhat rare happening and will be easily remedied.

    Another peculiarity of The Very Small Railroad is the power system. We now live in a time when locomotives are often equipped with Direct Command Control. If readers are familiar with this feature, they know how sophisticated model locomotives have become. DCC is the wave of the future for many modelers. Due to the locomotives on The Omega Scale Railway being attached to a subsurface cord, omscaler often explains that we have DCC also. “Direct Cord Control” that is. Always time for a little humor on The OSR! Chuckling along, omscaler


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