Eddie working at the freight house with his new hand trucks.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A clear picture


Yes readers, we have finished the project and we have also done a “shakedown” operation on the new locomotive. The “shakedown” actually left omscaler a little shaken but we are okay now. The shakedown required some tweaking to get correct operation of the equipment. With such small tolerances we are used to this. All part of the one to three eighty-four terrain in which we work. Since it is now December with Christmas and New Year’s fast approaching, omscaler has been hard at work preparing for next year. We have listed about twenty goals for The Omega Scale Railway in year 2021. Wow! Omscaler may be working on this well into the future. What about you the reader? Please feel free to share your goal or goals for 2021 in the comment section of this blog. I bet there are some really interesting ones out there. As a side note, goals that are written down have something close to an over ninety percent chance of becoming a reality. What have you got to lose? Yours optimistically, omscaler


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

No cutting corners!


That’s right. No corners cut with regard to the blog. Sometimes we do build things with or without certain features not visible to the eye, but that is not what omscaler is referring to. As of the writing the Mogul is complete and the tender is awaiting a front platform, attachment of running gear and reporting marks if I have not left off something. Oh yes and side steps. Maybe that is all. Omscaler is actually hoping to get all this done before posting this but if not we have a clear picture of where we are now. Glad to be circumspect with the readers and all. I am still hoping readers will suggest the next project after the two cabooses are done. An outside braced wood boxcar is currently the front runner. Omscaler reserves the right to change the suggestion if deemed not feasible. Arbitrary I know but readers may not understand the complexity involved when fabricating rolling stock. Still fabricating (rolling stock), omscaler


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Scandal hits The Omega Scale Railway!


Looks like we indeed hit a milestone last post. A scandal milestone! Omscaler must now be forthright with the readers of the blog. Last post stated that the Mogul was complete. This was not truthful. The locomotive was actually completed Wednesday, November, 25th. All was in fact done except the cab. And the cab turned out to be problematic due to new techniques being employed. By the time we were done, the blog post was already published. I am sorry for the wrong information being set before the readers. Readers have come to expect integrity and accuracy from this blog and I have let you down. Purely my fault. I will work to earn your trust once again. Yours working contritely, omscaler


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Whew, another milestone!


As reader know, we have been proud to be working on the 2-6-0, Mogul locomotive for “The Very Small Railroad”. Omscaler is proud to announce the completion of this much needed road engine. Development was slow but fruitful. Next is the tender for the beast. Then the two cabooses. After that? Maybe readers would like to help omscaler decide? Please enter your suggestions in the comment section located below the post section of the blog. Looking forward to hearing from the readership. Also, Thanksgiving is two days from the post date listed here. I hope all have a great, delicious and if possible huge gathering. Thankful, omscaler


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Another Mogul report


Last post we gave out the details of our work on the Mogul. This post we are giving out more details of our work on the Mogul. This is because we are running behind again. But thus far, we have applied the headlight, the stack, the sand dome, the bell, the whistle and the steam dome all on the completed boiler/ running board section. Next, cab, cylinders, boiler yoke, crossheads, crosshead guides, piston rods, drive rods, and side rods. After this will come the tender. Now you see that we have non-stop fun on The Omega Scale Railway. Working while we whistle, omscaler


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Latest Mogul report


Last post we stated that we would update readers on our progress with the Mogul 2-6-0 locomotive. While we are not as far along as we like, we have made a number of parts including the main boiler sheet. This sheet has a tapered section which we are proud to report we have replicated successfully. This will give a neat looking locomotive that looks prototypical. Also, making this unit has spawned some ideas about making future steam locomotives successfully. Optimistically, omscaler


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Train Show report


Last post we talked about the Helena (AL) Train Show that took place Friday and Saturday 10/30 and 10/31. What a nice experience to be able to have a display of our Murphysboro module. What omscaler heard a lot was “that’s too small for me”. This is what we were expecting due to previous conversations with individuals. We also heard a number of complements which were much appreciated. A number of friends not seen in a long time came by and said hello and other nice things. The general attendance was somewhat good as well. All in all a good day. Just to give readers a heads up, there is another train show scheduled for February. More details later. Most of my time before the show was taken up by module transport box fabrication and other needed activities. This week, it is back on the Mogul. We are going to make sure we have good progress to report next post. See you then. Omscaler