Eddie working at the freight house with his new hand trucks.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Back in the day

Yep. More reminiscing. Once upon a time the little burg of Murphysboro Illinois was the de facto headquarters of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. All activity was directed from the depot. This was actually a big comeback for the railroad after being destroyed during the “late misunderstanding” (American Civil War). But progress was indeed made and the railroad became prosperous. Competition was stiff but persistence paid off. Time passed and railroads were getting larger or perhaps getting out. Chicago was the big lure for carriers and in year 1946 the Mobile and Ohio was joined with the Gulf,Mobile and Northern to step onto the industrial stage as the Gulf, Mobile and Ohio. Chicago was indeed reached and goods began to flow into and out of the Windy City. When the banana boats docked at the Port of Mobile, Chicagoans could count on fresh fruit in a very short time. Coal from Illinois might make its way to South America. Busy times for busy people. The GM&O was so successful among travelers, shippers and employees that the good reputation of the road lasted and was lamented long after it ceased to exist. Funny how life happens sometimes. Still keeping the dream alive and thanks for stopping and reading. Omscaler


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Fighting the weather

Yes, omscaler has been fighting the weather. The weather here has been sunny with clear blue skies and somewhat balmy. Readers may wonder about fighting the weather under these conditions. The problem is that omscaler has developed “Spring Fever”. And a pretty severe case too. Symptoms include sitting on the porch and looking at the sky. Going for drives in the country. Going to the park and walking. And lately, weeding a flower bed. Thankfully, there several at hand to week. Also, sitting inside and just thinking about going outside. Perceptive readers will notice that these activities had no mention of working on The Very Small Railroad. This is because no work has been done on The Very Small Railroad. However, good news is at hand. The symptoms are subsiding and omscaler is beginning to feel more normal. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Returning to diligence, omscaler


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Where did they stay?

 As blog readers know, The Omega Scale Railway town on Murphysboro will be receiving a hotel in the near future. This building is for short term stays primarily. Some guests may stay longer but the better part of long term stays were arranged at boarding houses. The usual terms were in fact room and board. This means a room for sleeping and three meals a day at the dining room table. Fare was often delicious but not for the calorie conscious. Such boarding houses were operated as for men only or women only. The one near the passenger depot catered to railroaders and was located just a short walk east. There were probably a number of other boarding houses but the hotel and the boarding house referred to were the only ones omscaler saw on the Sanborn fire map. At any rate a little information is better than none. Still working on the building, omscaler


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Another opinion

Sometime ago I was visiting a local model railroad club. This club is over thirty years old I believe. The subject of modules came up. I had remarked that the sections of the layout were heavily built. The person I was speaking with said that indeed they were. The modules were in fact hard for the older members to handle well, being so heavy. This contrasts with an article I have in an old magazine I got at a train show years ago. This periodical covers N scale exclusively. In this issue the article in question explained how to make a module in a box beam configuration. The material used is expanded foam, not to be confused with the white bead foam. I decided to make one of these box beam modules a few years ago and it now resides in the walk-in closet. Neatly out of the way. The only wood is used for the legs and two end panels on the box beam. I can carry it on my head if I so choose to do so. It is very strong in spite of the light weight. During the above mentioned conversation, I suggested simply leaving the old layout in place and construct a “show layout” to transport to train shows. The idea being using newer methods to build, these being lighter. So far, no changes have taken place but in the future, who knows? As readers of this blog know, The Very Small Railroad has a transport box which was used to visit a show last Fall. Such simplicity was sublime! I am a big proponent of modularity. I know the idea has caught on in may instances. Hoping for model railroad progress, omscaler


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

What is a train?

On The Very Small Railroad a train is anything with a caboose behind any amount of railcars. This would put a caboose behind even just a few cars but them’s the rules. Right now we have the Mogul in front of a ten car train plus the caboose. This number actually looks pretty good considering the size of the locomotive. Omscaler does not recall how many cars a real Mogul could handle on flat terrain. This could be a good idea for some research. As said before, this size train actually crowds the turnouts due to their placement. Also as stated, this calls for more “trackage” which we will do as the schedule permits. Right now we are still working on the hotel. After that, probably another structure. What do we need? Your input is welcome in the comments section below each post. See you on the high iron. Omscaler


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Good to get out to a show

Just a little post about the train show. This was in fact the annual Coosa Valley Model Railroad Association show. This show was not permitted last year due to restrictions by the City of Gadsden. So we skipped a year. This particular show is thirty-four years old. The turnout was pretty good and omscaler was glad to see some people I had not seen in a little while. The location is also very interesting. The name of the venue is 210 @ The Tracks. If you walk out the front door about eleven feet (or less) you are standing between two rails. If you look to the east (turn right), you see the old swing bridge. This bridge does not open anymore but was built to allow passage for tall river traffic. I am thinking about the old paddle wheel steam boats that used to work on the Coosa. Another thing, the venue is located next to a restaurant and they were cooking outside. Boy what an aroma. Anyway, lots to do and see in the area. I hope many more folks attend next year. Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

It is about time!

 Last week’s post described the latest project on The Very Small Railroad. It has been a very long time since a structure was added to the Murphysboro module. The development of the running stock upgrades took way too long. The place has been looking like a ghost town. Only two buildings to see. Fortunately, the upgrades appear to be working. However there is still a pesky friction problem. In spite of this, we did build a twelve car train. This length of train is just about all we can do in three feet due to turnout placement. Guess what? This means we need more modules! Didn’t omscaler tell you the fun never stops on The Omega Scale Railway. We always go back and forth on which project to do next. But as always we will get ‘er done. Omscaler